We’re almost two weeks into 2018, and I bet at least a few people reading this will have already given up on their New Year’s resolution. Why is it that every January every parking space at the gym is taken but by February it’s back to the usual crowd? Why is that that we get burned out or misguided in the process of aggressively attacking our goals? I have some ideas… 1.Quit planning to fail. I am a firm believer in the overused quote that says, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Go ahead and get that eye roll out of the way; then, think about the last time you gave up on a goal. Why did you give up? Did friends invite you out to eat on a diet, and you just couldn’t eat a salad in a pizza place? (But really, that’s torture.) Did you have an unexpected medical bill come up, and it threw the account completely off course? In those situations, the outcome could have been a lot a different if planning had happened beforehand. Research some apps that would help you plan your goals and track your progress. Or, just get out that good ole pen and notebook. 2.Never stop getting back up. Successful people do not give up when they are knocked down; they just keep getting back up (think: Rocky-style)! We have to accept that life WILL happen when we are trying to accomplish big goals, and we have to roll with the punches. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, ran a failing business, and then became the biggest self-made millionaire years later. Thomas Edison tried 1,000 failed attempts at inventing the lightbulb; I’d say waiting until that 1,001 was a good idea. And, my personal favorite, Walt Disney was fired from a Missouri newspaper for “not being creative enough.” The moral to this story is to not let ONE bad decision lead to a year of bad decisions. That doesn’t make sense! Instead, accept when you fail at your plan, and then, look at the next day as a fresh start. I promise you that the most successful person you know has fallen at minimum once a month; it’s what they do the next day that defines who they are! At the ēCO Credit Union Foundation, we want 2018 to be the year for financial success! Not only are we offering free financial seminars from January to April, but we are also offering a goal tracker to start planning not to fail. Just click the downloadable PDF below, and start planning away! “When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.” -Walt Disney
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